Master Key WK 7 — Idealize; Visualize; Materialize

The very first thing I need to do is to acknowledge the power found in the Scroll marked II in ” The Greatest Salesman in the World”;  ” I greet this day with love in my heart”.  I truly believe if the world would live by this one scroll, the results would be amazing.  I have noticed the difference in the way strangers I meet have reacted to me since reading this scroll.  I always get a smile, direct eye contact and quite often a greeting, either verbal or just a nod.  Love is truly a powerful force.

This week Haanel focuses on visualization.  There are three steps to achieving your DMP in life.  Step one is idealization, the most important step.  For without the plan of the finished product, we wonder aimlessly led by whatever influences cross our path, never headed toward an end result we desire.  Once we discover our plan by thinking of our true desire and purpose, and write it down, the process can begin to take shape.  Next, comes the process of visualization.  This is the process of picturing the finished product in your mind;  the person you have become along with realization of the finished plan you wrote down.  We must see the picture of the finished plan more and more complete in every detail; then and only then, will the means to manifest this plan become evident.

So often, in my life I have tried to think of ways to eliminate the lacks in my life.  I now understand that all I was doing was sending a message of not having to my subconscious mind, bringing more of what I did not want. By visualizing the abundant life that is now mine through faith, the “subby” has no choice but to manifest every detail of that life into existence.

Over Sixty years of cement to remove.  Feeling lighter everyday.



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